It has been said that writing is the greatest art, and we here at Daedalus Enterprises base our choices for the management of a literary career primarily on the artistic merits of a book. Yes, the market must be considered, but if the sole test of a book's worthiness is based on its appeal to today's audience alone, and not its appeal for years to come, then how will the great authors of the future be discovered?
It is a question that guides us when we consider a submission, for today's publishing world is full of clichéd works, tried and tested formulas that sell and have sold. Naturally we all want to make money, but it is making a mark, an original mark, that is far more exciting in the end.
Daedalus Enterprises is looking for the writer who not only has an intriguing story to tell, but who also possesses a gift of expression, that special love of words. The author who has the ability to mirror, through her story, the times she inhabits, who has the drive and desire to say something different in a world that is in a provocative state of flux is the author we are looking to represent.
If you fit this bill, then we look forward to reading your manuscript.